Mission Statement

Urban Farmers League is a youth led organization designed to combat environmental and social injustice, by creating a platform for the youth to have equal participation in the future of our community. With the creation of urban farms we not only provide a space for youth to express but we are also able to provide the community with high quality of life, mitigate environmental degradation and provide a space for organic food to flourish.


1. Create a community of youth leaders

2. Reduce ,Reuse ,Recycle

3. Beautify our community

4.Provide organically grown nutritious food to low income families and individuals

5. Provide a venue for youth culture to thrive

Monday, July 5, 2010

Ann Street Market

On Saturday June 26, 2010 we had a table at the Ann Street Market. We sold tomatos, hot peppers, thyme, sweet basil, and tick weed. Thank you for Greenway for donating the plants for us to sell. We had a great day talking to people about La Vida garden.


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